Orlando or Bust!

As I am officially one week away from my check-in date, I have realized that I have made a ton of new friends over the last 2 years. Every day I meet someone new and I have also realized that some people might not know what is about to happen on my social media; it is about to be completely covered by Disney posts and pictures.

For those who have been there from the beginning, you have a general idea of what excitement is about to overcome me and there is just no stopping the 100 different angles of Cinderella’s Castle or new restaurant I try for the evening, so if that is not your cup of tea, by all means you have my permission to unfollow or unfriend me, but if anyone wants to live through this magical experience vicariously, please do!

OH! And we received our arrival itinerary for our check in date (how could I possibly forget that!) and the roommates and I found out where we will be living for the next 7 months and are a little less than thrilled to be in Vista Way, BUT we were informed that they just renovated them in 2014 (SCORE!) so we are going to make the most of it and just be happy that we are accepted and have a place to stay, at all.

I would post the image of my itinerary but I don’t think we are quite allowed to share that information, so here is a (not so) quick run-down! Check-in time for me is 9:45 am (which isn’t too awful, but I know I won’t be able to sleep the day before anyway!); I have casting just 15 minutes later, but I have heard check-in now takes 5 minutes or less so hopefully nothing too crazy will happen and I make it to Casting in time. I can then take all the time needed for Casting (which might be longer than normal because I STILL haven’t received my New Hire Paperwork..ugh) until 2:45 when I have a drug test for my attractions role, then the rest of the day is all mine to spend time with my family getting groceries and settled into the apartment and hanging out with the roommates! Then at 9am the next morning I have my housing meeting and after that I am home free for the next three days! Which is lovely time to spend with my family that I didn’t think I would have! We already have reservations and park tickets so it will be a nice little mini vacation until I have traditions at 2pm on Friday afternoon. YAY! So excited!

I only have 4 more days until I leave Indiana and begin the journey of a lifetime! And so much more to do until then!!


Counting Down

I keep stopping myself from typing a title that reads “Final Countdown” because as close as I am to leaving (TWENTY.FOUR.DAYS! 24!!), I still have a bunch of days, work shifts, goodbyes to say and things to do before that magical day comes. So as much as I would like to title this final countdown, I will simply just settle for “counting down”.

So what is new this week? I received a text from Marissa this morning firstly reminding me that the first group of FA (May 16 date) checked-in yesterday. So now we are just ticking off each Monday until ours is the day! Secondly, she sent a link that gave us the new protocol for check-in, which just by looking at it, is INFINITELY better. We get to find out our apartment before we get there this time (still trying to find out exactly when we know which apartment, but at least we know it’s before the day we move into said apartment!). We also get to go straight to the apartment and it is rumored that it reduced the previous 2 hour wait to a grand total of ten minutes! And even if it takes 30 minutes, that is still way better than the previous system. And since there is no way around the hour at Casting, I can handle that morning! Which means I will hopefully have the afternoon with my roommates unpacking and the evening with my family!

Countdown: 24 days until I leave, 27 days until check-in!

Things to do before I leave:

  1. New Hire Paperwork (still have not received this)
  2. DORMS with roommies (fill out and link roommates)
  3. double check packing list on google sheets
  4. pack all clothes/bedding/shoes/electronics/chargers already in use
  5. double check documents needed (IDs, DORMS, car insurance etc)
  6. Get oil changed, car checked over, tires rotated, car detailed, gas filled
  7. towels
  8. coffee mugs
  9. kuerig rack
  10. 3 drawers


  1. tv/laptop situation
  2. shampoo
  3. conditioner
  4. soap
  5. makeup
  6. earplugs
  7. raincoat or dollar ponchos
  8. power strips
  9. Universal Annual Pass
  10. groceries


So serious story. I tried vlogging! For those who don’t know what vlogging is, it’s basically a video diary. It’s exactly blogging but in real time video. And let me tell you guys, I have no future on Youtube. I kept messing up and I kept losing my train of thought and getting distracted, and every time you mess up, you have to stop and refilm it. When I type, I can at least backspace! So I think I will stick to the quiet, calmness of typing out my blogs. I vow to definitely video a lot more of my DCP, but (and I’m being honest here) I am an awkward, monotone turtle trying to just speak into my iPhone camera. I have no imagination trying to pretend I am talking to a friend or whatever so here I am, blogging. My nice safe blog. Where I can’t see anyone judging my awkwardness.

But like I said above, I definitely need to video more. I don’t need to narrate it, but I need to remember more than just still life photos! This sudden realization came from Marissa who made a video of her DCP 14 experience and it just made me so excited to begin the journey all over again!


Updates 4/18

Ah, I hate not blogging! I have been writing just not publicly, because I keep a journal on my phone that I write in a lot of my more personal stuff going on. This blog is all about Disney! Not my everyday life drama lol. So, what has happened since I left off? I have found 3 other roommates, Marissa changed her move-in date to June 13 (AH!), and we’ve already incorporated her into the group! The others were seriously so nice about letting her in! Now we are just working out the details of it all trying to accommodate everyone’s needs.

But I’ve already made lists and lists of things I need to buy, things I have bought, things I dream of buying, things all the roommates will need! Etc Etc Etc.

I have also been actively spending as much time as possible (around my four jobs) with my family! This is all the time I have with them before June and I am totally taking advantage of it!! Violette will be 2 in June and I can’t believe she was born on my first program! I am really hoping to spend time both in Florida and Indiana because I just don’t want to miss anything with V, but it’s not completely realistic right now not knowing schedules or even my job location! I just need to get my mind organized and settled in FL before making any future plans!

Until then, you can find me working or sleeping or counting down the days!

Which if you’re wondering: 55 days!

Meet: Me & My Family

Besides my Author Bio, I realize I have not had the chance to introduce myself fully to the audience of my blog! Hi, my name is Shelby. I am 24 years old searching for my calling in life like every other 20-something year old. I enjoy Disney so much, I decided to work for the company, AGAIN! I had such a magical experience the first time, I am ready to do it again! I was accepted into Attractions this time around which was my top choice! I have found myself 3 awesome ladies in the hopes to room together come June! Hey, girls, hey! I studied biotechnology in college and I have learned my true passion, however until I am ready to pursue a “big girl job” I plan on living my life with so much fun while I still can while I am young and unmarried. I have nothing holding me back! I am ready to find myself. (Which is very cliche, at my age.)

Whether you have been here from the start (Hello 2014 loves) or just seeing my posts for the first time, HI! I have a lot to offer the average Disney fan. I love useless knowledge and facts (both about Disney and not) and have been probably well over 40 times (not including working for Disney in 2014-2015). My family is huge Disney fans and it all started with my grandparents! They were seriously like little kids in Disney World when we visited. It truly is a magical place filled with wonder for all ages and I was lucky enough to experience it multiple times with my whole family and also getting my sister-in-law and her family really into Disney as well! Each time I have visited, it is like a whole new world waiting to be explored more in depth and I love it, because I will NEVER get tired of Disney World. My favorite trip has to be the one time during Christmas (when we usually have a Disney Vacation planned) we had absolutely nothing going on, my brother and I convinced (twisted her arm and practically had to beg) my parents to go. It really only took one mention and a phone call to grandma and we were heading to Disney! I loved how spontaneous it was! It was truly magical.

So, who is my family? Well my grandparents sadly passed away, my grandpa Don in 2007 and my grandma Anita in 2013. They were both a very big part of my life and I know I would have made them both proud being a cast member at the happiest place on earth! My parents are Dennis and Denise. They have been married for 30 (THIRTY!!!!) years! They just renewed their marriage vows on the Disney Fantasy Cruise ship this last January. It was magical in a private room in one of the stacks overlooking the ocean! It was simply breathtaking and well deserved to my parents who worked so hard to keep their marriage a true example to us.

My mom is a financial adviser and consultant of her own business independently contracting to multiple businesses (both local and not). Her favorite ride is the Haunted Mansion (because it was grandma Anita’s favorite and now MY favorite) which is why it would mean the world to me to be placed at HM. I have a feeling grandma will look down on me and give a little pixie dust for my placement. 😉 My dad is a test cell engine supervisor at Caterpillar and his favorite ride is Pirates of the Caribbean (which I am actually watching in the background as I write this post!!) which would also be a great attraction to be placed at! They both enjoy Disney Cruises which is why we have been on 8 as a family! I think it is safe to say all of our favorite was Alaska and we are ready to hit that one again!

I have 3 brothers: Scott, Darrin, and Daniel. Darrin and Daniel are twins who are 18 years old and graduating from high school this year. They love Disney and went on their first cruise at 11 months old! They each have their own individual personalities and enjoy different things including Disney things; Daniel loves Oswald and Darrin loves Stitch. Darrin loves any thrill ride offered at Disney, but if I had to guess his favorite would probably be Tower of Terror. Daniel’s would probably be Test Track, he loves seeing all the cars in the queue. Scott is 25 and married to Amanda and they have a daughter, Violette (who has already been to Disney twice) and she is not even 2. This June will be her third visit!! Scott loves all the rides and I have a hard time pinning his favorite down, but he does love the new Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. Amanda loves meeting all the characters especially the princesses, but her favorite could include Toy Story Mania and It’s a Small World. Violette has been too young to really love any of them specifically but she does seem to love them all!

You may be wondering why I bring this all up or talk so much about each family member? Well that is a simple answer: my family is supportive. We support each other in our own dreams and always encourage each other to chase them no matter where they may lead you! I have been actively pursing many internships in the hopes of finding something with my major to lead me to a genetic career, however it is almost impossible to get there without a higher education. I plan on making that my next chapter, but for now I am going to enjoy being young and living life to the fullest at Disney, doing a seriously once in a lifetime job experience that will be greater than just a resume-enhancer. I sadly read other accepted posts about how parents discourage the person to decline the job, and it really makes a difference knowing I have 100% support from my entire family. We love and support each other irrevocably and it really means all the difference to me!

OH! & 72 days until my check-in day!!!!!

Disney DIY

Oh goodness, you cannot go on social media this day in age and not see thousands of DIY projects. It is just completely unavoidable. I have become recently obsessed with making my own projects instead of paying tons for something I could probably do myself, and still make it look presentable. I am totally looking at you mouse ears! Super easy to make, just Google a tutorial and you will find easy steps to making these. It just comes down to finding the right fabrics and ribbons that you like. I have a few screenshots of ones I have simply fallen in love with! These include: Haunted Mansion (duh!), Finding Nemo, Lilo and Stitch, EPCOT themed, and one or two odds and ends ones! These will probably be my first DIY project to take on because it may be the easiest! I also have my mom and sister-in-law on board so it will be a fun little project night for the girls!

My next project that I also have my mom on board for is an ADORABLE! long-sleeved glitter shirt that says “Disney College Program” on the back of it. This one comes from an Etsy store, priced around $45….uh no. I can make this myself for around $10 a shirt, thank you very much. I plan on making something a little cuter than just a standard “DCP” though. Keep checking back for pictures of THAT DIY.

My last project may be easier to buy, because I have no skills in the painting division. BUT luckily, I have a highly skilled painter in my house, by the name of Darrin. This kid is AMAZING in art skills. I have been trying to get him an Instagram account to showcase his talent, but he is just not about advertising anything! So my mom and I have to take it upon ourselves 😉 But I have seen very cute shoes on Insta with Disney characters (which makes me wonder how they get around copyrights because they sell their work…hmm), but anyway these are totally personal shoes! I saw a CUTE pair of my favorite Dooney and Bourke pattern! I simply have to try to get Darrin to paint these for me! Also, Target has very cut new Minnie Mouse shoes for $20 that have been sold out for weeks. I have been trying to figure out a way to buy these, but I am totally about trying to recreate them with paint.

All I am trying to say here, is keep checking back, because I have been bitten by the creative bug!

Oh & 85 days until CHECK-IN!!!

Disney Dinner and a Movie

I came across a blog on Pinterest that I fell in love with her idea of doing a Disney movie night and theming the dinner around the movie. I have used her blog as inspiration to make my own ideas, and feel free to contribute any of your good ideas or movie nights to my list:



  • Anna and Han’s “Finish Each Others Sandwiches” Grilled Ham and Cheese
  • Elsa’s Snowy White Cheddar & Potato Soup
  • Sven’s Cooked Carrots
  • Kristoff’s Iced (drink-tea, soda, water)
  • Dessert: Some People are Worth Melting (chocolate) For with bananas, strawberries, pretzels, and marshmallows



  • Merida’s BBQ Chicken legs and wings
  • Hamish-ed Cheesy Potatoes
  • Hubart’s rolls
  • Harris’ Green Beans
  • Dessert: Bearclaw pudding (chocolate pudding and oreo topping)

Lilo & Stitch:


  • Nani’s BBQ Ribs, bacon, and pineapple skewers
  • David’s (not so sweet) Potatoes
  • Lilo’s Hawaiian Rolls
  • Hawaiian Punch
  • Dessert: Stitch’s Hua Salad: watermelon, pineapple, apples, grapes, oranges

Pirates of the Caribbean:


  • Barbosa-q Shrimp Skewers
  • Black pearl (wild) rice pilaf
  • Aztec Gold Corn
  • “Why is the Rum Gone?” Soda
  • Dessert: “A Whole Bushel of Apples” Pie



  • Charles Muntz Chili Cheese Dog
  • Mr. Fredricksen’s French Fries
  • Russell’s Corn on the Cob
  • “Here Snipe” Chocolate Milk
  • Dessert: Red Car, Blue Car Ice Cream Cones

Toy Story:


  • Pizza Planet Pizza
  • Buzz’s Breadsticks
  • Slinky’s Milk
  • Dessert: Alien Cupcakes

Beauty and the Beast:




  • Lumiere’s French Onion Soup
  • Cogsworth’s Prime Rib
  • Belle’s Baked Potato
  • Beast’s green beans
  • Dessert: The Grey Stuff



  • Anastasia’s BBQ Ribs
  • Drisella’s Shells and Cheese
  • Lady Tremaine’s Baked Beans
  • Lucifer’s Potato Chips
  • Cinderella’s Glass Slipper Soda (sprite)
  • Dessert: Jaq & Gus Gus Strawberry Shortcake

Sleeping Beauty:


  • Spinning Wheel pasta
  • Phillip’s garlic bread
  • Merryweather’s berries
  • Maleficent Salad
  • Deep Sleep drink
  • Dessert: Aurora’s Birthday cake

Emperor’s New Groove:


  • My Spinach Puffs!
  • Yzma’s Cucumbers
  • “Pill Bug” tortilla, quinoa, corn, beans, ground beef, avacado
  • “Make my potatoes a german salad”
  • “ugly, stinky llama” juice
  • Dessert: “How Long Has That Been There?” Ice Cream


That’s all I have thought up so far! I’ll let you know when/if we try any or all of these out! My next 10 will include: Little Mermaid, Snow White, Aladdin, Finding Nemo, Tangled, Princess and the Frog, Meet the Robinson’s, Ratatouille, Monster’s Inc, and Princess Diaries (or maybe Haunted Mansion).


Now that I have been accepted, I would love to document my second interview for my 2016 DCP adventure. I discussed with Marissa that I wouldn’t write about the questions until I got an answer back for Disney. It would obviously give someone a leg up if they knew what exact questions I was asked, and I wanted to secure my spot before helping all others. 🙂

I had my interview on February 15, 2016 and scheduled it for 1:30 (after my Web Based Interview). This is a phone interview so you actually sit around all day waiting for the phone call even though you have a general idea when it will be coming. But it’s still SO hard to think they might call at 9am to talk to you! And I kept jumping up to grab the phone all day!

Funny story: my mom had made us wraps for lunch to keep me calm and full. Disney Recruiting tells you that the phone call may come 15 minutes before or after your scheduled time and to block off about 20-30 minutes for the actual interview. So you actually should prepare for a full hour of nothing but Disney! Around 1:20 a phone call comes through and it was a blocked call, thinking it was Disney, I quickly swallow my bite of wrap and run upstairs (my designated quiet area) and answer excitedly. It was not Disney. I hang up and go back downstairs continuing to be nervous and eat. About five minutes later, a FLORIDA phone call comes through. Thinking it is definitely Disney, I run upstairs and swallow my bite of wrap, and answer the phone excitedly. It was AGAIN not Disney. I hang up and go back downstairs again, very nervous and blown away that 3 people have called who could have been Disney. Finally, a call comes that I KNEW was Disney. I run upstairs and answer the phone excitedly and I finally hear the words I have been waiting for all morning.

My interviewer was named Terry and my interview lasted 20 minutes and 13 seconds. She confirmed my first choice program: Walt Disney World or Disneyland (World) and Fall or Fall Advantage (Advantage). She had been misinformed that I was not an alumni (which I am) and that I was an international student (I am not). We then got into the good questions. Here is the EXACT list of questions I was asked in my alumni interview:

  1. Tell me why you want to work for Disney again.
  2. What’s a magical moment you have from your past program?
  3. Do you mind working outside in the Florida heat or rain?
  4. Have you ever lived alone?
  5. How would you handle a roommate disagreement?
  6. Why do you think you are qualified for your top role?
  7. What do you plan to do after college?
  8. What are you most looking forward to in the DCP?
  9. Do you have any tattoos or body modifications? (they ask everyone this. I do, be honest. They still accept people with tattoos! Just needs to be covered properly depending on role)
  10. Are you open to the high demand roles including QSFB, Custodial, Housekeeping, etc.? Which ones specifically?

Role Specific:

  1. What are your top 3 roles?**
  2. Why are these your top 3 role choices?
  3. Have you had experience doing makeup and hair (referring to BBB)
  4. Have you ever spoken in front of a large group or in front of a large audience? (attractions)
  5. Are you comfortable delivering long speeches on a microphone? (attractions)
  6. Are you willing to drive a large parking tram? (attractions)
  7. What would you tell a guest if you had to turn them away from a line to meet a character? (character attendant)
  8. What do you think the duties of a vacation planner are? (vacation planner)
  9. Are you comfortable handling large amounts of money and achieving monthly sales goals? (vacation planner)
  10. What would you say to a guest who is spending the weekend but buys a 1 day pass? (vacation planner)

**When they asked me what my top 3 roles were, I said my top role was attractions. Here is where I mentioned that I would love to be placed in Haunted Mansion, Tower of Terror, or Pirates of the Caribbean. They note this on your profile and try to accommodate these requests but make no promises. (I have heard many success stories from this method, so PLEASE keep your fingers crossed for Haunted Mansion!)

She then opened the floor to me for any questions I might have. Although I asked many questions she really only answered one. And it was: “how did you become a part of the Walt Disney Company?” She had done a professional internship.

I have to say, I felt really well about my interview. I was fully prepared for each question except one: What would you say to a guest who is spending the weekend but buys a 1 day pass? And I admit, some people may not do well practicing questions, but I feel like it really helped me. I was INCREDIBLY confident in my answers and I was not thrown off for one second. This approach may not help some people, but it is the way I like to prepare.

This post is to inform and is in no way a guarantee you may be asked any or all of these questions. Also, keep in mind this was an ALUMNI interview. It’s a bit different because they already have a file on your work and living performance. They can skip the basic questions and move on to really specific ones. If anyone who has interviewed wants to comment some of their questions (either in common or different ones), I’d love to hear how similar certain interviews are!

Thanks for reading!

Packing List

The Disney Programs Blog has suggested that the best packing lists are those which are done in a timely manner. Since I am SO FREAKING STOKED to get this show on the road, I figured why wouldn’t I start with the most fundamental prep I can. AKA a packing list. It’s obvious that this will be the most time consuming part of preparing for my DCP adventure. Just to clarify, this is MY packing list which means it will be 90% tailored to my own wardrobe.

  1. Professional wear: for traditions and casting. Traditions is the first few days of your disney college program experience. It’s where you learn (VERY in-depth) about the Walt Disney Company. It’s where you head to casting to set up your future work experience and get all the paperwork taken care of. And it’s where you get that magical blue-pass into the parks. Pack: tan/black dress with black cover up. Light tan cardigan. Black Pencil skirt/2 HM flowy shirts (black and white). Taupe heels. Black heels. 2 more dresses.
  2. Warm Clothes: mostly forgotten because HELLO, Florida. But it’s actually really important not to forget sweatshirts, sweatpants, sweaters, etc because it gets cold (usually at night or when it storms). And I mean really cold. I love having comfy clothes to lounge in at the apartment too. Pack: two sweatpants, yoga pants, 5 sweatshirts!
  3. Workout clothes: probably not going to happen, but its always good to get in the gym once a program 🙂 Pack: 2 yoga shorts, pink tank top, sports bras, running shoes, yoga mat.
  4. Rainy wear: let’s be honest, it rains mostly once a day in Orlando. No rain shoes. Pack: umbrella, rain jacket.
  5. Normal Clothes: To wear to parks and around the apartment. Pack: all shorts, all t-shirts, 2 pairs of sperry’s, a few pairs of sandals, summer dresses, jeans, underwear, socks, bras, black shoes.
  6. Non-clothes: there are things to remember to pack or buy down there that are not clothes at all.
    • Mattress pad (to buy)
    • sheets, pillows, comforter, etc
    • 5 towels, loofahs/washcloths
    • Makeup
    • hangers
    • shower things: curtain, mat, shampoo, conditioner, soap, razors, lotion, lush
    • bathroom things: curling iron, flat iron, blow dryer, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, toilet paper, contacts/solution, glasses
    • Kuerig, Toaster
    • scentsy
    • Food
    • gas
    • toilet paper
    • lunch box
    • cleaning supplies
    • Cell phone charger, laptop, camera, tv
    • pictures
    • pins
    • Passport, social security card, birth certificate, car insurance info


As of 2pm on February 25, I am officially a Disney Cast Member (round TWO!) That’s right, I was accepted into the college program for the second time!!! And I got everything I asked for and more! I will be moving in June 13 (so I am considered Fall Advantage) and I will be Attractions. AHHH! I need everyone reading this to keep your fingers crossed that I get one of the three attractions I mentioned in my interview: Haunted Mansion (PLEASE!), Tower of Terror, or Pirates of the Caribbean! Knowing my luck I’ll be placed in parking though (please no, haha!) The thing I definitely have to remember is no matter where I am placed, it will always be a job and it is what you make it! And who you work with. 🙂

Marissa was accepted in the very first wave possible! And I sat around and cried until I got mine exactly 10 days after I interviewed. I hate to say it, but that wait wasn’t even close as bad as the first time I applied (basically months!) and then Marissa waited FOUR WEEKS! I don’t know how she did it! I was so impatient after 10 days. And then there is still people waiting to know their fate. Hopefully some Faith, Trust, & Pixie Dust is headed their way for an acceptance too!

I have already joined like nine Facebook groups (acceptance 2016, attractions 2016, 2 groups for my move in date (for roommates), and mas! I just like to feel like I am going to be there soon, instead of in 3 months! Wow. How am I supposed to wait 3 months to be in the happiest place on earth?! Oh right, watch all the Disney Movies!!

Keep checking back for more updates and a countdown until program!

108 Days guys! AH!ACCEPTANCE 2016