Happy Thanksgiving!

Today, we celebrate my favorite holiday. A time for family and a time for food. Thanksgiving. But in this apartment, we also do Christmas with Thanksgiving. We decided to do our Thanksgiving earlier in the week because almost all of the roommates were off today. We have been sitting around and enjoying each others company while also getting some cooking and cleaning (and laundry, in mine and Chelsea’s case). Since our Thanksgiving begins at 9, we have been trying not to get too much of a head start on cooking, because then our food would be all cold and nasty.

We also decided to do our Christmas today, for two main reasons. 1) we might not have a day again that we are all off together and 2) if we don’t get everything we want for Christmas, we still have time to use our 40% discount on things to buy ourselves. But then we aren’t buying anything that anyone else has bought us.

So far, our Thanksgiving consists of Turkey, Stuffing, German Potato Salad, Green Bean Casserole, Chocolate Pecan Pie, Rolls, Pumpkin Bread, Sangria, Cheese Potato Soup, Mashed Potatoes, and Punch. And presents. 🙂

I also went home this weekend to visit family. We went to a wedding, and Violette’s baptism, and had our own Thanksgiving at home. It was very good quality time at home and I couldn’t have asked for anything more. Well except maybe more time.

*Edit* I meant to post this two days ago and it got lost when my computer shut down, only to find it restored by WordPress. Yous da real MVP, WordPress.

Our Thanksmas came out so very well! We had good food, good company, and a great Christmas party after. I am almost certain everybody got at least one thing on their Christmas list. As for me, I got everything and more!!! And everybody received an Alex and Ani Bracelet.


I also got a Weasley Sweater


And Fluffy Unicorns & Marie PillowPet & Hippo


Great Food…


…and great Friends.


Happy Thanksgiving to All!